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Composed by dd/ts, 2010.
Four. Politics
of Source Code
we are going to deal with the alternating history of freedom of
source code. Once it was innocently free, in the then world of
hackers, that we called ‘primitive FLOSS’ in the earlier
chapters. Then this freedom was taken away by the rules of market.
The world of free source code got confined into proprietary
restrictions. But this was only a period of waiting. Once again this
lost freedom was regained, the closed down source code got reopened.
And this time it was done in such a way that no one can take it away
any more. This was accomplished by GPL and FLOSS. In this chapter we
traverse this history, from primitive freedom to confinement, and
then the start of the movement that led to GPL and FLOSS, and thus
the regaining of this freedom. But, as it happens with any recent
history, marked more with a plenitude of data than any dearth of it:
the problem is to decide, where to start from. Shall we start from
birth of computer, or from the emergence of OS or Operating System?
Or, from Unix, with its continuity into the GNU-Linux phase? Or, the
start of FSF and then the FLOSS movement, or even later, from the
birth of the Linux kernel? As a solution, let us be plural, let us
start from all of them, a bit from each in turn. This chapter tries
to give a feel of the hacking environment and primitive freedom of
knowledge in the world of computing.
Prehistory of Computers
history of computer science is a history of developing abstractions,
actually layers of abstraction, progressively more dense and
elaborate, to reach the abstract virtual space within a modern day
working computer. The epitome of this is the metaphor of a computer
working within a computer, like when we click the icon ‘computer’
on our desktop. Obviously it is a very elaborate symbolic space
containing symbolic links to many of the real components of the real
computer. The action of a click on this icon allows us to access this
real space in many predefined ways. Actually, this happens in so many
ways that we tend to forget about the symbolic nature of this space.
In the last chapter we discussed how the kernel works as the
principal translator in this elaborate metamorphosis of the symbolic
space into the real. But in the final sense, it is nothing but
symbolic: a long chain of very well-defined metaphors working through
many layers of abstraction. Some of these we mentioned in the last
chapter. We can say, in a way, the history of development of
computing, if not science as a whole, is a history of development of
these abstractions.
so, we start from an woodcut illustration in the book Margarita
by Gregor Reisch. This illustration actually depicts a two layer
abstraction, natural to numerical, and then numerical to symbolic.
the encyclopedia of philosophy, was vastly in use in universities of
medieval Europe as a textbook sixteenth century onwards. In the right
half, Pythagoras, the famous Greek mathematician is doing
calculations with stone beads on a counting-board. In the left half
is Boethius, the translator of Aristotle, sometimes credited with the
introduction of Hindu-Arabic numbers to the Western world. He is
doing calculations too, but with symbols. Arithmetica,
the goddess of arithmetic, is supervising the race. And as the
countenances of the contenders suggest, it is not exactly going the
Pythagorean way. This is Reisch’s reading of the history of
mathematics. The stone beads on the board represent countable real
objects, and transfer them to a numerical world, performing the first
abstraction layer from the real to the numerical. And the left half
works with symbols, transferring mathematics into the logical world
of abstracted knowledge. There are many interesting steps in the
gradual progress of abstraction –
Stephenson 1999 elaborated some of them, the role of abstraction and
metaphor in the realm of OS or operating system. In the last chapter
we described a few steps about the progressive unfolding of
abstraction and metaphor in the virtual user space created in
computer OS.
after those abstractions in the woodcut from Reisch, the next jump of
abstraction in computing was the digital representation of numbers
operating within computer, that we discussed in the last chapter. The
jump from numerical to digital in this age of computers, in reality,
consists of millions of discoveries over hundreds of years. And let
us make a jump-cut here through that prehistory to the mechanical
number-crunching machines emerging during the birth of the modern
technological age. In the march of these inventions of calculating
machines, one of the very starting name is that of John Napier with
his logarithm and his calculating gadget better known as Napier’s
Then came
Edmund Gunter, William Oughtred, and Amédéé Mannheim with their
different versions of Slide
William Schickard’s Calculating
Blaise Pascal’s Pascaline,
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz’s Stepped
and Charles Xavier Thomas de Colmar’s Arithmometer
were some important ones in the long line of calculating machines.
this long march, the numerical methods and machines were all a kind
of concomitant with the fostering of calculations and yet more
calculations, as it happened with the inception of the technological
era. It came with a revolutionary increase in the total number of
roads and constructions, maps and navigational charts, business and
commerce. The history of these number crunchers culminated in
and Analytical
by Charles Babbage and Ada Byron Lovelace. The
problem of Babbage and Lovelace was that the make of their machines
was too advanced for the technology of its time. And the leap of
abstraction involved in these engines is adequately elaborated in the
works of Ada Lovelace.
No one can help but agree that Ada understood and discussed the
working principles of a stored-program computer long before they were
built. The notes of Ada Lovelace does give a kind of an eerie feeling
of reading an inhumanly correct predictive science fiction. She
anticipated quite a lot of things in the realm of modern-day
high-level computer languages. Though it may not be exactly relevant
for the purpose of this book, we can quote here a paragraph from
Lovelace 1842. This is “Sketch of the Analytical Engine” by L. F.
Menabrea, translated and augmented with extensive commentary by Ada
Byron Lovelace. This paragraph belongs to that commentary: a
paragraph that prefigures programming on modern digital computers at
least hundred years before they came.
bounds of arithmetic were, however, outstepped the moment the idea of
applying cards had occurred; and the Analytical Engine does not
occupy common ground with mere “calculating machines.” It holds a
position wholly its own; and the considerations it suggests are most
interesting in their nature. In enabling mechanism to combine
together general symbols, in successions of unlimited variety and
extent, a uniting link is established between the operations of
matter and the abstract mental processes of the most abstract branch
of mathematical science. A new, a vast and a powerful language is
developed for the future use of analysis, in which to wield its
truths so that these may become of more speedy and accurate practical
application for the purposes of mankind than the means hitherto in
our possession have rendered possible. Thus not only the mental and
the material, but the theoretical and the practical in the
mathematical world, are brought into intimate connexion with each
other. We are not aware of its being on record that anything
partaking of the nature of what is so well designated the Analytical
Engine has been hitherto proposed, or even thought of, as a practical
possibility, any more than the idea of a thinking or a reasoning
notes show one of the high-points in the history of abstraction in
computing, as we said, long before the real history commences. The
way she dealt with Bernoulli numbers in Lovelace 1842 is considered
by many as the first program in the history of programmable
computers, with the concept of ‘loop’ in-built into it. Anyway,
if we want to go into the process of blooming and growth of these
abstractions, we will have to delve into works of many more talents
in the history of computers, like George Boole, Von Neumann, Alan
Turing and so on. But that will be definitely outside the scope of
this book. Anyway, this
prehistory of computers comprised of mechanical machines and methods.
The electrical age in calculating machines dawned with the
introduction of vacuum tubes during the First Generation, as it is
called. One thing must be kept in mind, this categorization into
generations is more of a categorization of convenience, made for
discussions, without any internal and intrinsic meaning.
First Generation 1945-55
computer was a direct derivative of World War II. Different kinds of
war necessities, from bombardment schedules to intelligence and
counter-intelligence, were bidding
for a lot of computing power unattainable with the then available
methods. The birth of the First Generation digital computer came as a
result of the works of extremely talented people like Howard Eiken
and Grace Hopper from Harvard with Mark I, John Presper Eckert and
John Mauchly from Pennsylvania with ENIAC, John Von Neumann and
Claude Shannon with their scientific and mathematical theories,
Konrad Zuse with his Plankalkül,
and so many other people from so many walks of life.
always the history of computing mentions Zuse with the importance he
deserves. Konrad Zuse from Germany came with his machine and
a method of programming computers. This Plankalkül
or “Plan Calculus” was actually a very different sort of
programming language than the high-level languages like C, Fortran or
Java that we know today. It was different in the sense that, unlike
these languages, “Plan Calculus” did not presuppose a Von Neumann
Architecture that we discussed in the last chapter. The glory of
Zuse’s works is that he did all these, helplessly alone. The lonely
Engineering student built the machine of his dreams in his own living
room, by cutting simple metal strips with a zig-saw, strips that will
be used in place of electric relays of the later machines. He was
completely unaware of the other contemporary developments in the
field. The works of this
brilliant German student were all lost in bombing during World War
II, and thus, Zuse lost the opportunity of influencing the
developments that followed.
this first generation, machines were made of vacuum tubes and
plug-boards. In the start, electronic relays were yet to come. In
the early years of the first generation, slow-working
mechanical relays were used in place of electronic relays. Vacuum
tubes brought in quite a revolutionary change. In this period, vacuum
tubes started replacing the relays of the electrical circuitry of the
earlier machines like Mark I or ENIAC. A relay is an
electrical instrument that opens or closes a particular electrical
circuit. And this opening or closing is controlled by another
circuit. And so, a relay can relay action from one circuit to another
without which the chain of computer’s logic circuits cannot
operate. Concepts like high level programming language or OS,
at that time, were more of science fiction. It was even before the
birth of assembly language that we mentioned in the last chapter. So
the instructions into these machines were all fed through the lowest
level: machine language, directly to the architecture of the machine.
In this generation, a lot of works were done with plug-boards, things
that did their work not in an electronic but an electrical way.
a program on a machine of these days meant composing and recomposing
of the connections on a plug-board, and then inserting this
plug-board into a machine that would fill an auditorium. This
plug-board carried the program, physically, in terms of the cables
and plugs. And then these commands imbibed in this plug-board would
get resolved and executed by thousands of vacuum tubes. The board was
filled with sockets, which were plugged with connecting cables, thus
controlling the electrical connections, and thus, the lowest level
instructions. This work was done by the plug-boards, by directly
controlling the hardware of the circuits and wires. The instructions
of the program that are supposed to run on the machine were held by
these plug-boards. Then the vacuum tubes within the machine just
operated on these instructions. The computer work was almost solely
concerned with calculation, that is, crunching of a very large number
of very large numbers. What a computer does today is just the same
thing, with the complexity boosted up to billions of times.
plug-boards got replaced by punched cards in the early
fifties. Here the instructions were given by making some holes on a
card, and feeding this card to the machine. These holes carried all
the raw data and instruction data necessary for the program to run.
But, other than this change in method of IO, input/output, of data,
the working principles of the machines remained almost the same till
the second generation computers started landing on this planet. The
first generation of computers gave way to the second generation with
the invention and introduction of transistors.
Second Generation 1955-65, FMS, Bus
physicists Walter Houser Brattain, John Bardeen, and William Bradford
Shockley came in 1948 with their discovery of transistors. This
actually revolutionized the history of digital machines during this
second generation of computers. Bipolar-Junction-Transistors, usually
called BJT, replaced the earlier vacuum tubes. Transistors now
controlled the current in the logic circuits. Transistors
dramatically reduced the cost, size and operational cost of
computers. The juggernaut of computer science started moving.
Brattain, Bardeen and Shockley got the Nobel Prize in 1956 for this
discovery. And within the turn of the fifties decade, vacuum tubes
became obsolete. Starting from the first one named TX-0,
Transistorized-Experimental-Computer-0, it became an age of
transistorized digital computers.
improved not just the CPU, but the peripherals too. New kind of
storage devices started to come up with a much higher ability of
storing data. This age of transistorized machines first saw the
emergence of Teletype, remote terminals at a distance connected to a
mainframe by cables. The PDP series of machines was introduced by
DEC, Digital Equipment Corporation, in 1957, as a commercial make of
machine, much like the TX-0. On these PDP series machines, Dennis
Richie and Ken Thompson will build Unix in the same Bell
Laboratories, where Brattain, Bardeen and Shockley discovered
transistors. This history of Unix we will need to explore later, in
fuller details.
this time, Fortran, Formula-Translation, was ruling the world of
computing. It was the first high-level computer language, developed
by John Backus in 1954-58. In Fortran we first witness the ancestors
of the modern day armory of high-level languages: the concepts like
variables, expressions, statements, iterative
and conditional statements, separate subroutines,
and formatting of IO. FMS, Fortran-Monitoring-System, the progenitor
of a modern day OS, was born in this age of second generation
machines. This was the time of punched-card programs. To run a
punched-card program on a mainframe computer of this time involved
quite a few repetitive identical steps. FMS, the ancestor of OS, came
by, in the form of a program that looks after the repetitive steps
involved in running programs, in the way of the element of ‘control’
mentioned in the discussion of Von Neumann Architecture.
steps were like: loading the Fortran compiler into the machine
(involving quite a few cards), then feeding the Fortran program,
created by the programmer into the machine (again involving quite a
few cards more). And if the computer does not run the full circle
correctly in one go, a thing that was quite common, the programmer
will have to feed the compiler cards once again. And then the program
cards too once again, and like this it went on, till the compiler
fully read and translated the high-level Fortran program into machine
executable code. And now, into this prepared machine, the programmer
would load the machine language cards, and cards for all the
subroutines that will be needed for the program to run. At last the
program will run and the results will be printed in another set of
punched cards, if only there was no error. In which case the same
steps will be repeated once again. The motive of FMS was to look
after all these repetitive steps. In order to reduce the immense
operating time lost in repetitive tasks, that is, to automate the
operator’s job, this special program FMS emerged, in the sixties
decade. The programmer’s work was now to provide certain control
cards and the program cards as and when needed to run the special
program in the machine. These cards were read and carried out by the
this special program, FMS.
PDP-8, one of the later models of the series, DEC introduced a major
innovation, a single bus called ‘omnibus’ that connected all the
components: CPU, memory, terminal, and IO, all in one single routed
connection. This was a major deviation from the earlier
memory-centric models. This gradually became the system for all
computers to follow. Compared to the first generation machines, these
second generation transistorized machines had quite a few advantages
like, less cost to produce, a lot more speed, a lot lower volume, and
a higher reliability due to a much lower operating temperature. These
new machines held and operated on tens of thousands of binary logic
circuits. This was a scale higher by leaps and bounds than that first
generation machines.
4. Third Generation 1965-80, Portability, Multitasking
Noyce and Jack Kilby invented IC, Integrated-Circuit, also called
‘microcircuit’, ‘microchip’, ‘silicon chip’ or ‘chip’,
in 1958. The IC technology allowed the producers to go into
mass-production, with an ensured reliability of the ready-made
circuits. Let us mention here, IC is a very small
miniaturized electronic circuit made of semiconductor devices
or electronic components that use semiconductor materials like
silicon, germanium, or gallium arsenide. These semiconductor
materials are special in the sense that they have an electrical
conductivity more than insulators and less than good conductors. And
some impurities can be added to these semiconductor materials that
can act as a controlling device on the nature of conductivity and the
kind and amount of charge it contains. For example, a small amount of
impurity like phosphorus or boron in silicon greatly increases the
positive charge content, and are called p-type semiconductor, and on
the other hand the other type of semiconductor device is called
n-type which contain a higher number of electrons, thus
vesting them a higher negative charge content. The interpretation of
these characteristics into logic circuits of binary nature is just
one step away.
are used in every kind of electronic equipment in the modern world.
It has revolutionized electronic industry as a whole. Combining
together a large number of small transistors into a tiny chip was
quite big a boost in comparison to the earlier process of manual
assembly of circuits using separate individual electronic components.
This led to new ways of doing things where new designs now adopted
standard IC-s without going into the intricate details of building
designs with individual transistors. Due to special technologies that
prints the whole chip as a single unit, the cost of producing IC is
low compared to any other alternative technology. And because this
puts all the individual components so close together, the circuit can
switch between components as and when necessary for doing the work
very quickly and consuming very little power, in advantage over all
the other alternatives.
made it possible to build computers much smaller in size, much faster
in performance and much cheaper than its contemporary alternatives.
And, it triggered off another spontaneous development in the world of
computer building. Computers started getting organized into two main
divisions. One of these was heavy machines, doing big jobs of
mathematical nature like number-crunching and so on, used in the
realm of science and technology. The focus of this kind of machines
was on the concept of ‘word’ or units of memory. And the other
variety was small commercial ones. This second type of machines was
focused on IO of data –
reading data and writing it back in terms of ‘stream of
characters’. For IBM, the leading computer company of that time,
the example of this division was the combination of two highly
successful machines, 7094 and 1401. 7094 was a high-speed number
cruncher using parallel binary arithmetic, and 1401 was hardly more
than an IO processor. It was used in writing raw data on tape to be
read by the big ones, or, for reading data from tape, where it was
kept by them, or, taking prints from them. 1401 kind of machine was
used mainly by the insurance or banking companies. Now, with the
advent of IC, the cost of building machines came down. All this time,
civilization’s demand for crunching numbers or data was increasing
at great speed. And so, IBM started making a new kind of machine,
System/360 by name. 360 could perform both the number crunching and
character flow kind of job, quite efficiently for their times.
most important thing about 360 was that, it was the inception of the
concept of uniformity of machine structures, enabling an user to run
one program developed in one machine on another one with the same
kind of Hardware structure. This was true for System/360, and the
later additions to this group like 370, 4303, 3080, or 3090 and so
on, some of which were being used even into very recent times. This
feature, as we will see later, will have a very deep impact on the
history of programming, OS, and computing as a whole, in the form of
the concept of ‘portability’. As we know from the last chapter,
portability of software means its ability to be reused on
another machine, from the basic level of OS to the level of user
applications. In case of 360, this portability created a problem too.
System/360 machines varied wildly in terms of size, ability and
scope. So, there were quite a large number of peripheral devices that
were used together with one or other machine in this series. Hence,
portability will imply that, all the drivers of all the devices would
have to be there in every instance of OS in every machine. And this
was a tall order for the technology of that time, even for a company
like IBM. For System/360 range, IBM put ‘microcode’ to commercial
use, in order to achieve this portability among machines. And for
every driver the bulk of microcode would go on inflating,
progressively rendering it quite unmanageable. Microcode
is just a very low level code, even lower than machine code –
it specifies what a CPU does when it executes a
machine-code-instruction. Accumulation of all these microcode
for the System/360 range led to proliferation of bugs, and finally
gave birth to a very non-optimal and buggy OS, to say the least.
this very System/360 range gave the concept of ‘multiprogramming’
too. It was one of the most novel ideas that were generated by third
generation machines. For the very big, costly and resource-intensive
machines of this generation, there was a concept called ‘IO
Intermission’. This signified the periods of time when the CPU was
sitting idle while some IO job is getting done, say while the tape
was being changed, or while a massive print job was going on, or
something like that. Obviously there were very few IO Intermissions
when some really voluminous scientific calculation was going on, if
any at all. But these intermissions started getting quite numerous in
case of big chunks of commercial data processing. This kind of data
being very IO intensive, the CPU was just sitting idle for
sufficiently long periods of time. And as we have already mentioned,
for computers of that time this meant big time wastage of money. For
really big jobs of commercial data processing, the activity time of
the CPU would plunge down to as low as only ten percent.
a solution to this problem of wastage of precious CPU time, there
emerged the concept of ‘multiprogramming’. To go into that, let
us get familiar with the role of multitasking performed by OS.
These days this concept of multitasking has become so much a way of
computing, we are so much used to this being done by OS, and that too
so seamlessly, that we are hardly conscious of it. The concept of
multitasking is a superset of the concept of multiplexing.
Multiplexing or muxing, an import from the realm of
telecommunication and computer networks, in short, is a technique of
combining communications or IO operations for transporting multiple
signals simultaneously over a single channel or line. Now think of an
active OS where a number of programs are running simultaneously. It
maybe a very simple combination of programs happening every moment on
any PC, like say, a multimedia program playing music, a browser
surfing the Net, a word-processor working on text, and so on. Or, it
maybe some very special programs running on very special kind of
machines. But, in every case, all the simultaneously running programs
are working on the same machine with the same CPU, with the same
resources attached with the machine, like say the same hard-disk, or
the same RAM, or things like that. Now, the question is, how they are
doing it, without muddling up the whole thing by one program trying
to use the same memory while some other one is already using it? Here
the concept of multitasking comes in, a technique that is used
by OS on the two separate planes of time and space.
process of multitasking, we said, is a superset of the concept of
multiplexing. It enables a computer system to go on with different
channels of multiple tasks, also called as ‘processes’, all these
tasks sharing a common pool of resources like the CPU, the RAM and so
on. Let us remember it for sure that in the truest sense of the term,
there is no multitasking of
the resources, because one and only one job can occupy a CPU at any
single point in time: the CPU can carry out one and only one
instruction at a time. This last statement, though sounds quite
simple, actually, is not so simple at all. There is much inherent
complexity, but, that obviously does not concern the simple things
that we want to say here. And, like the CPU, the same thing is true
in terms of RAM use too. One single bit of RAM, at any point of time,
can never hold more than one piece of binary digit. Obviously one
bulk of RAM bytes can be divided into smaller pieces, but one piece
of RAM at one moment can hold information from only one process,
anything else will violate the laws of physics. So, the only way out
is to make the system multitasking for the user, while the CPU or RAM
remain in their single-entity being.
modern OS solves the problem of multitasking by scheduling. This
schedule decides, which task will be the one running and thus using
the resources at any moment, and when, after how much time the next
process waiting in queue will get its turn of employing the CPU and
other resources. This is for one CPU systems. In a system with
multiple CPU-s, this system of multitasking gets generalized for all
the CPU-s. There are more than one scheduling strategies, and an OS
can choose which one of these it is going to adopt. These strategies
are in general of three kinds, the multiprogramming schedule,
the time-sharing schedule, and the real-time schedule.
In multiprogramming schedule, the running task keeps running
until it requires an external event for another task to take its
place. This external event maybe reading/writing from/to a storage
device, like the IO Intermission that we were talking about. Until
the OS’s scheduler forcibly ejects this process from the CPU and
replaces it with another, this task goes on running. In time-sharing
schedule, a running process has to let the CPU and other resources
go, either on its own or due to a hardware interrupt. And in
real-time scheduling, an waiting task is guaranteed to get the
CPU and the resources when an external event occurs, particularly in
systems designed to control mechanical devices like industrial
robots, which require processing of an event-driven job occurring in
real time.
as we said, multitasking is executed on two separate planes,
the axes of time and space. When processes are multitasked on the
axis of time, all the processes are waiting in queue. The very moment
the earlier process relinquishes the CPU and other resources, it is
time for the next process to claim and possess it. And then it goes
on employing the resource till the time is up, and then releases it
for its possession by the next process in the queue. So, time is
broken into small slices, and every process is getting one time slice
in turn. But every time slice is so small, at least one hundredth of
a second for a normal OS, that it is never possible on part of the
user to understand the constantly rotating activity cycle of the
processes. This is not true for the so-called ‘tickless’ kernels
of very recent times, mainly meant for power-saving, but, once again,
that is just not relevant for us.
other kind of multitasking happens on the axis of space. If we
consider the whole store of resource as a plot of land, then this
piece of land is getting partitioned into a number of smaller plots.
This number is directly dependent on the number of processes running
within the system and the size of the plot is directly proportional
to the individual requirement of a process. Usually, RAM or swap-file
space is allocated to each of the running processes in this way. So,
in a real OS, if multitasking on the axis of time is to take place,
there must be some kind of multitasking on the axis of space always
ready activated. When the time-slice comes, if the new process has to
take the charge of the CPU, there must be some place where the
process was already there in a dormant state. So, whenever
multitasking is operating, the operation happens on both the axes of
time and space. In a very simplified way this is what multitasking
is, the very inception of which took place during this third
solve the drainage of precious CPU time through IO Intermissions,
System/360 range of machines started multiprogramming
schedule. Let us assume that the whole memory is cut down into small
slices. Now, say every running job is allocated one small slice of
memory each. While Job 1 is waiting for the IO Intermission to end,
Job 2 is employing the precious CPU time, and so on. So, all these
slices of memory, under the dictatorship of OS, are keeping the CPU
employed. And when to allow which job to contact the CPU with which
slice of memory –
that is entirely under the jurisdiction of OS. This ploy of
slicing the memory is pushing the CPU towards full-employment. For
the technologies of that time, multiprogramming demanded a newer kind
of hardware and system, where it is possible to slice memory in this
way and keep the slices separate. The arrival of IC fulfilled this
demand on technology to a long way. And so, a lot of costly CPU time
was resurrected. And some of that came from using multiprogramming in
order to reduce the unwanted IO Intermissions for reading/writing
from/to punched cards. When one program was reading/writing from/to
punched card, the CPU was employed by another program. A moniker for
this process was SPOOL: Simultaneous-Peripheral-Operation-On-Line, a
word still in use in computing literature.
first really functional time-sharing was successful in MIT in 1961.
It was called CTSS, Compatible-Time-Sharing-System. And, after this,
a modified form of this time-sharing was implemented in IBM 7094.
But, time sharing in a big and popular way was yet to come. With the
innovation of newer kinds of hardware during the third generation,
all major computer concerns like MIT, Bell Laboratories, General
Electric, and so on, started using time-sharing systems. Gradually a
new dream was starting to form, that of a gigantic system, hundreds
of thousands of users connected to it, each on his own tele-terminal.
This projected scheme of numerous users dispersed over a vast
geographical space, like the city of Boston, connected to a single
OS, getting all their jobs done, gave rise to the idea of Multics:
to a long way, this plan was an anachronism. The computer scientists
of that time wanted everyone to get the service of a computer in the
context of the then scenario of computing. It was a time when hardly
a single individual could afford to have a computer of his own, and
so a big machine able to handle thousands of users could obviously
generate an economy of scale –
this was the idea of the computer scientists. But, the situation,
soon, was going to change in such a way, that nobody, no computer
scientist of that time could foresee it. If someone told them that,
within two decades or so, computing machines will get so cheap that
machines million times powerful than the most able one of that time
would sell at a price that even a middle-income individual can
afford, it would seem to them some outrageously wild sci-fi.
experience of Multics bred some mixed results. The work on Multics
started in 1964 and the last active Multics system was shut down in
2000. With a computing power just above an Intel 486 and serving
hundreds of users simultaneously, Multics showed real efficiency in
optimized programming, primarily demonstrating the skill of the
developers who built the programs under so restraining a resource
base. And that too with a difficult language like PL/I, the one they
used. Though not any epitome of success in itself, to say the least,
Multics left some footprints on the shape of computing to come.
Though Bell Laboratories and General Electric deserted the fight
midway, MIT pushed the Multics project on, and Multics was finally
installed in more than eighty machines in different big companies and
universities, a lot of which continued working till the late
nineties, that is, till more than three decades after the Multics
project started.
big marks on the computer science of the coming times that Multics
left is very well discussed in standard literature. Let us mention a
very important one of them here. In Unix or GNU-Linux, any physical
device is dealt as a file, and this approach is a legacy of Multics.
And the man who was one of the creators of Unix, Ken Thompson, came
from Multics. One major source of the failure of Multics was the
language PL/I, as we mentioned. The PL/I compiler was developed by
IBM in the early sixties. As we discussed in chapter three, this PL/I
compiler is that which enabled PL/I proramming. Programming in PL/I
needed a PL/I compiler that would translate the human-understandable
and human-editable PL/I codes into machine-executable PL/I programs.
Anyway, the goal of PL/I was to create a single language for both the
scientific and the commercial users. And hence, features from three
of the then popular programming languages were brought together.
These were Fortran (FORmula-TRANslation, a language meant for
scientific works), COBOL (COmmon-Business-Oriented-Language, a
language for business computation, still in use), and ALGOL
(ALGOrithmic-Language, another language for scientific works that
intended to rectify some flaws in Fortran). With these features were
added capabilities for extensive automatic corrections of syntax
errors and the concept of multitasking. As a language PL/I was not
very difficult to learn. But, implementing the PL/I compiler became
so complex, time-consuming and difficult, that it never became
popular. But it had very definite contributions into the coming of C
and Unix, we are coming to that later.
Later Generations
the heading of Section 4, we showed the time-span of Third Generation
machines as 1965-80. But there are differences in opinion about this,
and this is pretty natural. Computers were not built according to
time-frame of generations. The frame is actually added later, to
categorize something extremely heterogeneous, diverse, polymorphic
and multi-directional in nature: the real history of machines. And so
different historians may very well choose different landmarks to mark
their periods. There are historians of computing who specified the
span of third generation as 1964-71. Opinions are there, that specify
a fourth generation from 1971 onwards. Or, even a fifth one that is
yet to happen, machines that will work in terms of AI, artificial
intelligence, till now more or less a category from sci-fi. Though
this alternative terminal year for the third generation, 1971,
actually represents a real break. It was the year of birth of a
fully-functional Unix, though the process of birth started in 1969,
as we mentioned before. Anyway, in this book we have mainly followed
the calendar given in Tanenbaum 2005.
2005, after the third generation, specifies a fourth one from 1980
onwards, where it chooses VLSI, Very-Large-Scale-Integration, as the
landmark. While Large-Scale-Integration could fit hundreds of
components into the small area of a chip, VLSI, that emerged around
1980, enabled a chip to hold hundreds of thousands of components.
This led to a very dramatic reduction in the size and price of
computer, simultaneously hiking the reliability, power, and
efficiency. Before the coming of the PDP machines, that we are going
to discuss in a somewhat detailed way in our next section, computers
were so big and expensive that companies or universities using them
would have to run full-fledged computer centers for them. With the
advent of new kinds of machines, now a single department of a company
or university could have them. From 1980 onwards the price came down
to a level where even an individual could afford it. Thus began the
era of PC, personal computers. It was a birth of a new age that
happened with Apple and IBM working as midwives. And this opened up,
at that time, new areas of computer use: things like word-processing,
spreadsheets, and so on. Many highly interactive user level programs,
meant solely for the PC-s, not the big machines any more, started to
the introduction of PC in 1981 by IBM, the number of PC-s in use went
from two millions in 1981 to more than five millions in 1982, and
sixty-five millions in 1991, and this figure goes on rising till
date. And all this time computers continue getting cheaper, and more
than that, they go on getting smaller, from desktop to laptop to
palmtop to embedded systems. After getting introduced in 1981, IBM PC
became the best-selling computer in history within almost no time. In
terms of PC history, IBM now did something quite revolutionary in
terms of the things to come, and this gesture was so very different
from the practices of Apple, the other pioneer of PC age. In place of
keeping the design a trade-secret, or, at least keeping it guarded by
some patent, IBM published the complete design, together with all the
circuit diagrams. They wanted other smaller companies to start
manufacturing the components, thus increasing the flexibility and
popularity of PC. And so, with the whole design in hand and
components available in the market, many other companies started
producing clones of IBM PC. Thus happened the PC revolution. And a
whole industry and market of PC and its components were generated.
The initial version of IBM PC came with MS-DOS, Disk-Operating-System
supplied by Microsoft. But, this started a new era. This history is
extremely necessary for the purpose of our book, and we are coming
back to it in fuller details, shortly. In this context, the essay,
Stephenson 1999, that we mentioned in the discussion of metaphors and
abstraction, is important.
the middle of eighties a new thing came up, called RISC,
Reduced-Instruction-Set-Computer. RISC is a new concept of CPU design
that enables the CPU to ‘do less’ and thus ‘do it better,
simpler and faster’, optimizing CPU performance. RISC computers can
obey multiple instructions together, often in a different order than
given in a program. These RISC machines started replacing the CISC,
Complex-Instruction-Set-Computer, ones. Another direction of change
was the Superscalar CPU architecture that works through a kind of
parallelism, called ‘instruction set parallelism’ within a single
processor, thus enabling the CPU to work faster. Another trend in the
recent times is using multiple-core CPU-s in place of single-core
ones. A multi-core processor is a combination of more than one
independent cores, usually CPU-s, into a single package made of a
single IC. A dual-core processor contains two cores, and a quad-core
contains four. A multi-core processor implements multiprocessing or
multiple processes, as if with multiple CPU-s, from within a single
physical body. But, let us come back to our main strand of
PDP Minicomputers, Unix and C
dramatic changes started happening in the computer market during the
third generation. Minicomputers in large numbers started landing
there, with a much lower resource ability but a price tag of even
less than one-twentieth of the large systems. Users not meant for
scientific computing were the target group of these mass-produced
machines. DEC, Digital Equipment Corporation started producing PDP,
Programmable-Data-Processor, in 1959. This name ‘PDP’ too
suggests the changing times. Naming the machines as ‘PDP’
involved avoiding the use of the term ‘computer’, because this
term at that time was associated with images of voluminous,
complicated and costly machines. A PDP 1 machine would cost even less
than five percent of a 7094, with almost the same kind of performance
in jobs other than number-crunching. And the last one in this PDP
series was PDP 11 on which Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, together
with Douglas McIlroy, Joe Ossanna and others, created Unix, in Bell
Laboratories. There are, mathematically speaking, ‘countably
infinite’ number of resources on the birth of Unix and related
things, both in the form of hard-printed books and electronic ones.
But, the chief ones on which this book builds are Raymond 2004 and
Tanenbaum 2002.
there was a Multics continuity working here in Unix. Ken Thompson was
there in the Multics team in Bell
Laboratories. And apparently, he got a PDP 7 to work on, where he
tried to build a trimmed down version of Multics, with a size that
will be much smaller and trying to serve one user in place of many.
This Multics was not written on PL/I, but directly in terms of
assembly code. And this minuscule and cut-down version of Multics did
really operate on the PDP 7. Unix got its name by Brian Kernighan, a
co-worker with Thompson and Ritchie in Bell Laboratories, who
contributed a lot to make Unix what it became. Kernighan started
calling this system as ‘Unix’ as a joke-name, with a reference to
Multics, as a version of Multics that was ‘one of whatever
Multics was many of’, or, more
subversively speaking, ‘Multics without testicles’, with a pun to
OS in the making was soon transferred from the PDP 7 to a PDP 11, a
newer machine in the same PDP series, higher in capabilities. Dennis
Ritchie joined Thompson in the job, and gradually many other
colleagues in Bell Laboratories followed. Now the problem was to
decide on the language in which to build the OS. And one of the most
important issues for them was that of ‘portability’, the concept
of which we have already discussed. They wanted an OS that could be
portable, and thus could be ported to another machine with another
set of hardware and another set of device drivers. The developers of
that time were already fed up with the process of writing everything
anew once they had to change the machine and all. So they direly
wanted a system that could run on every machine. By this time
Thompson already had a language of his own, named ‘B’. This ‘B’
came from BCPL, Basic-Combined-Programming-Language.
was originally developed by Martin Richards, for writing compilers
for other languages, and is no longer in common use. CPL,
Combined-Programming-Language, the predecessor of BCPL, was created
in 1960. Its plan was to cope with all kinds of problems, but was
never fully implemented. Then in mid-sixties, in Multics project for
experimental time-sharing systems, PL/I was used. In late sixties
came BCPL or basic-CPL. BCPL, the inspiration of both the languages B
and C, went on being used till late eighties, when it was replaced
with C. In 1970, Thompson wrote a language called B, and first
planned to write the whole Unix in B. B was a systems-language
written for Unix on PDP 11, a language that was derived from BCPL and
very similar to it, except syntax, and was the predecessor of C. But
this implementation of Unix in B got full of problems due to some
internal glitches of B. And so came C, the obvious logical name if
the predecessor is B. After the changeover from PDP 7 to PDP 11,
Dennis Ritchie built on B to create the new C language, in which most
of the components of Unix were rewritten, including rewriting the
kernel, that happened in 1973.
soon Unix became popular among scientists in different universities.
They were asking for copies of Unix from Ritchie-Thompson, or, in
other words, from Bell Laboratories. And due some legal hassles the
company behind Bell Laboratories, AT&T, at that point in time,
did not have any authority to make any business in software. So, just
for a token fee, this new OS called Unix reached these universities.
And the PDP machines were always already scientist-friendly. And so,
for the scientist community in the universities, it was automatically
a system of their choice with Unix running smoothly on PDP machines.
And these systems, in a way, stand for one of the most dramatic
inception in the history of computers, that was the double birth of
Unix and C together.
is true about every major event in history, it seems, that so many
different, apparently unrelated factors come together, and make
something happen. Here the most important of these factors were the
PDP series, and Unix and C. This scenario made everything so simple
for this new kind of OS. And because this whole system was written in
C, as we have discussed in length in chapter three, the portability
was so simple to achieve –
just compile the system on a new machine with a new set of device
drivers. Thus began the Unix era. And more or less here, the first
part of this chapter ends, where we described some features of the
environment where the process of primitive accumulation of the
industry of electronic knowledge was bred. This age came to its full
bloom in the birth of Unix, the process of the birth starting in
1969. Then came the era of taking away the primitive
freedom and cooperation operating in this world by the rules of
market and capital. In resistance to this era all those supplements
will start to happen, supplements that would finally lead to the text
of GPL, and then create the very context of FLOSS.
Unix, Minix, Linux
the last chapter we mentioned ‘closed source proprietary software’,
like Microsoft Windows and so on. For the time being, let this phrase
‘closed source proprietary software’, stand for all the programs
that many of us deploy on our machines, purchasin from companies like
Microsoft, Adobe or others. All the applications that we run on our
systems are programs. And the base they work and build upon, the OS
or operating system, that is a program too. As we already know, these
programs are not created ad-lib, that is, then and there. First, we
write some high-level human-understandable code, that is, source
code. Second, we edit and rectify this code from errors, that is,
debug it. And finally, we compile it through a compiler in order to
make it a low-level machine-executable program, transforming the
source code text file into an executable binary file. This
code-edit-compiler-binary cycle goes on rotating till we are
satisfied enough about the binary, and then it finally becomes a
program that works as an application on computers.
the programs we run on our systems do pass through this cycle, at
least once. And when we purchase a software from companies like
Microsoft, be it an OS like Microsoft Windows 95 or XP or Vista, or
be it an application like Microsoft Office Suit, they are all in
binary. We are not even allowed to know the source-code behind these
binaries, leave alone changing it, or adapting it to our custom
demands, or redistributing the changed version. In a way, these
‘closed source proprietary software’ is in a final form –
it is unalterable for us. When we are purchasing such ‘final’
software on CD or DVD or something, they carry the compiled binaries
of the original source codes, and then we install these software. The
action of installation means putting all those binaries and necessary
library files and configuration files in a given predetermined format
and path, within the machine’s hard-disk or elsewhere. This is done
in such a predetermined way that enables the binaries to run, getting
every necessary file in its proper expected place.
contrast, software like GNU-Linux are called FLOSS,
Free-Libré-Open-Source-Software, because, precisely, the sources are
free and open. They are free and open to read, modify, redistribute
and all. We will know the details of this freedom and openness later
in this book. But, the point here is that, this kind of software is
not ‘final’ or ‘unalterable’ in the sense of the last
paragraph, which is not true for ‘closed source proprietary
software’. If someone is using some closed-source software, and
wants to change it, according to need or whim, or wants to create
something new inspired by this one, he cannot do it. He has to start
it anew, from scratch, from before the point from where the software
companies themselves started their journey. Because everything within
the journey of the ‘closed source proprietary software’ is
closed, unalterable and given for anyone outside the company from
whom it was purchased. And as we will discuss in later parts of this
chapter, there is a very deep and painful irony working here.
point from where these software companies started their ‘closed
proprietary’ journey, that point in history was pretty open and
free. And then these companies closed and monopolized the whole
thing. What the software companies tapped as primary resource was
precisely the world of hacking: the primitive FLOSS, ruled by
relations of freedom, friendship and cooperation. And then these
companies tried to take away this freedom, and close it down by
monopolizing the whole thing. As we said, they now wanted to produce
pieces of software in which this free flow of knowledge is thwarted.
And hence, anybody, wanting to do anything about any software, has to
start from scratch. This process of starting from scratch is called
‘reinventing the wheel’ in FLOSS literature. In contrast, if
someone is using FLOSS, he can use the available source code as his
starting point, or his launching pad. In the form of this source code
he is actually getting the continuity of knowledge in the field of
software, his inheritance from what the monopoly companies are trying
to disown him.
us mention and remind one important point here. Unix that gets
created by Thompson, Ritchie, Kernighan and others in Bell
Laboratories, is actually FLOSS. It is primitive FLOSS, long before
even the invention of the term ‘FLOSS’. All the pieces of
software involved here were free, libré,
and open-source. So, obviously they were FLOSS, though without the
name. Now, shortly after the birth of Unix, when different brand-name
versions of Unix started to flood the market, not all of them were
FLOSS. Each and every one of these different Unix versions, like BSD,
SunOS, Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, Digital Unix, Irix, Ultrix and many more,
could get created at all, because the original thing was FLOSS. And
so, they had the liberty to customize and modify it according to
their own taste, preference or need. Though, in a way, all this
variety brought into being a kind of rigmarole that now called for a
kind of standardization. And POSIX,
Portable-Operating-System-Interface, served this purpose. POSIX is a
family of related standards, defining all the necessary things –
the API, Application-Programming-Interface, along with the shell and
utilities interface, for all software compatible to different
variants of Unix. API specifies the ways in which an OS supports the
requests made by the running programs. In other words, POSIX
standards mean interoperability between different brands of Unix. By
POSIX, one piece of code written on one brand of Unix, can become
portable to another brand –
it can be compiled and run on the second system too.
a long process of creation that started in 1969, the first public
edition of Unix was released in 1971, where it was named as ‘Unix’.
In the introduction to the Manual of this Unix, Thompson wrote, “...
there are only ten installations of UNIX os, but more to come ...”.
This Thompson-speak could be an all-time-great example of
understatement, if only Thompson himself did really know beforehand
what is going to happen: how Unix is going to explode. We are going
to that in a bit, but before that let us mention here one interesting
but unnecessary thing about the continuity and tradition flowing
through these POSIX standards. This Unix Version 1 had only sixty
commands, quite a few of them we almost get in exactly the same way
on any recent versions of Unix or Linux, like the system on which
this book is getting written, giving rise to a kind of personal
pleasure for me: I am working on a piece of living history. I think
any Unix or GNU-Linux user shares this fun, in the regular everyday
commands that we type in on a terminal.
two years before Unix was going to be born in 1971, in 1969, four
events took place, which in a way changed the face of computing
science, or science as a whole. Actually Peter Salus, in one of his
lectures, mentioned about this surprising coincidence. Here we are
lifting this whole string from that lecture, Salus 2001, given on the
occasion of the tenth anniversary of Linux, about the history of Unix
and Linux. Four apparently unrelated events took place in the year
1969. One, reportedly, man landed on moon. “Reportedly”, because
in recent times serious doubts have been uttered about whether it
took place at all. Two, in August-September, Thompson and Ritchie
generated the first structure of the would-be Unix operating system.
Three, in December, four IMP-s were implemented. IMP or
Interface-Message-Processor was the name of first generation routers,
the connecting veins of ARPANET,
Advanced-Research-Project-Agency-Network, or the skeleton of the
embryo of the Internet that was yet to come. And, finally, on
December 28, Linus Torvalds, the man behind the first Linux kernel
was born.
us come back to Unix. Unix version two was released in 1972, and C
was created the same year. In 1975 Unix version six was released. The
total number of sites in the then ARPANET was even less than a
hundred, and this Net thing will have to increase manifold before an
event like Linux could happen, after sixteen more years, that is, in
1991. BSD, Berkeley-Software-Distribution, version one, was released
in 1977. This was also known as BSD Unix. This was another version of
Unix that built on the Bell Laboratories version. This 1977 version
of BSD Unix, together with a text editor called ‘Ex’ and a
Berkeley edition of a computer language called ‘Pascal’ –
this whole package did cost only twenty dollars. Very soon the
situation was going to change as big companies start to land in the
software market, not only hiking the prices at a cosmic scale, but
truncating the flow of human knowledge from one generation to
another. They, once again tried to the same thing that once the
alchemists did, partitioning and prohibiting free flow of knowledge,
in their era in human history.
saw the Unix version seven from Bell Laboratories. This was, in the
true sense, the first really portable OS. It ran like anything on
machines of the PDP series and many other models built by Interdata.
Interdata was a computer company founded in 1960 and producing
machines loosely based on IBM 360 architecture at that time. And in
this very year, in June 1979, at a remove of only two years from the
release of BSD Unix in 1977, a crucial USENIX meeting took place.
USENIX was a Unix-Users-Group founded in 1975 for the study and
development of Unix and similar systems. In this USENIX meeting, AT&T
announced that from then on they are going to charge from twenty
thousand to forty thousand dollars for Unix per CPU. Just compare
this price with the paltry sum of twenty dollars only two years back.
So, Andrew Tanenbaum, who already planned for a syllabus of OS in the
coming year, discovered it to be an impossibility to take OS classes
that year with Unix as the OS, and had nothing else had nothing else
to do but something on his own. He created a new OS called Minix.
Minix was a Unix-like Operating System based on a special kind of
kernel called microkernel-architecture, created by Tanenbaum. This
Minix would later inspire the creation of Linux kernel.
saw the release of version four of BSD. From then to 1990, one by one
came releases of BSD numbered in a peculiar way, 4.1, 4.1A, 4.1B,
4.1C, and so on. This was another symptom of the cramping of the
software world under the pressure of the emerging licensing system of
the big companies. AT&T allowed Berkeley University to release
version 4 for academic research, but did not allow any new version to
be released, other than minor updates. And hence, BSD versions had to
be named like that, to show that they were just minor updates to the
version 4, not any major change.
January 1984, Richard Stallman started the GNU project. And this very
year he released his GNU-version of Emacs, a text editor and
developer tool endowed with many other functions. In the 1985 May
issue of ‘Dr. Dobb’s Journal’, Stallman published the manifesto
of GNU. In this manifesto, he looked forward to a free OS, and all
the tools that one needed to create a thing like that. These tools
were, chiefly, the compiler and other developer tools. In this world
of software strained under the weight of Unix and other proprietary
licenses, later, a dramatic change would be brought in by GCC, the
GNU-Compiler-Collection. But, it would take three more years, from
the publication of the GNU manifesto, for the first beta version of
GCC to release, in March, 1987. Though this version was far less than
today’s GCC, which can compile programs in almost all languages,
and is a standard part of all Linux Distributions. However small
compared to the GCC of today, the birth of it would emerge as a very
dramatic break at that time. But, this would happen three years
now, in 1984, AT&T’s way of closing down the freedom in
software world was already becoming prevalent. The open space of
computer science and computing was getting closed, under enclosures
of proprietary and prohibitive licenses. Sun Microsystem, that till
then sold all their software together in a package, now for more
profit, started selling them separately. And for the C compiler, Sun
fixed a price abnormally high. The organization called FSF, Free
Software Foundation, was not still there, but, the works of Stallman
in favor of freedom of software had already started by then. Richard
Stallman started working on a compiler from 1984, as we said. We will
elaborate this idea later: that the movement for free software came
actually from a restorative gesture, because the till then open space
was getting closed down and partitioned by proprietary motives. Maybe
this will remind some of us about the Marxian concept of ‘primitive
accumulation’ and the role of land-enclosure in that field: how the
artisan producers got expropriated.
was released in 1986, and the whole source code of Minix was released
too with Tanenbaum’s book, “Operating System Design and
Implementation” in 1987. Now the whole source code of Minix is
available on the Net. But, till then, the Net was yet to come in a
meaningful way, and hence, the source code was released on floppy
disk. By this time, different Unix-like OS were getting built. And
the number of such systems was increasing. In 1990 IBM released AIX
version 3, built on Unix System V release 3. AIX,
Advanced-Interactive-Executive, was IBM’s own version of Unix.
Before this AIX version 3, different versions of AIX started coming
out 1986 onwards. They were releases built on prior versions of Unix
System V. This Unix System V, commonly abbreviated as SysV, is one of
the major flavors of Unix, in terms of use by software developers of
that time. And it was so influential in all other later flavors,
brands and makes of Unix, that even today we get footprints of this
SysV in different flavors of FLOSS Unix, that is, Linux.
is the year Linux was born. On August 26, 1991, at 11:12 AM, Linus
Torvalds wrote a mail to a Usenet newsgroup comp.os.minix. Let us
quote some portions from that mail.
doing a (free) operating system (just a hobby, won't be big and
professional like gnu) for 386(486) AT clones. This has been brewing
since april, and is starting to get ready. I'd like any feedback on
things people like/dislike in minix, as my OS resembles it somewhat
(same physical layout of the file-system (due to practical reasons)
among other things). ... I've currently ported bash(1.08) and
gcc(1.40), and things seem to work. ...
us quote from portions from another mail
by Linus Torvalds to the same newsgroup on October 5, 1991, at 8:53
working on a free version of a minix-lookalike for AT-386 computers.
... I've successfully run bash/gcc/gnu-make/gnu-sed/compress etc
under it. ... Full kernel source is provided ... These sources still
need minix-386 to be compiled (and gcc-1.40, possibly 1.37.1, haven't
tested) ... I can (well, almost) hear you asking yourselves "why?".
Hurd will be out in a year (or two, or next month, who knows), and
I've already got minix. This is a program for hackers by a hacker.
I've enjouyed doing it, and somebody might enjoy looking at it and
even modifying it for their own needs. It is still small enough to
understand, use and modify, and I'm looking forward to any comments
you might have. ...
AT clones’ in the first mail, and ‘AT-386’ in the
second, refer to a particular kind of architecture. This was IBM PC
AT (Advanced Technology), also called as PC AT or PC/AT, primarily
designed around Intel 80286 CPU. The ‘386’ refers to Intel 80386
CPU, while the ‘486’ refers to the next one in this CPU series by
Intel. We discussed a little about this x86 architecture in the last
chapter. The terms ‘gnu’ in the first mail, and ‘Hurd’ in the
second, refer to GNU Hurd, the FLOSS OS that Stallman already planned
for. GNU as an organization at that time was working on it. We should
note that, Torvalds creates his kernel, with Minix as the model in
his mind. And, he refers to GCC and other GNU developer tools for the
building of the system and the binaries. We should also note that,
the whole source code is open. And Torvalds calls for the cooperation
of the hackers’ community. We mentioned earlier about the positive
aura of the word ‘hacker’ in the world of computing at that time,
the aura that was exactly inverted, vesting it with negative surplus
meanings, by the illiteracy and political nature of media.
his seminal essay Raymond 2000, ‘The Cathedral and the Bazaar’,
Raymond did aptly catch the dynamics of this community method of
software building, working through multiple layers of cooperation.
But, we must not forget here the presence of the Net as a major
ingredient. The Net actually made all this cooperation and community
possible at all. Without the Net being and becoming what it is, the
Linux process could never take place. In 1975, the total number of
sites on the Internet was less than a hundred. In 1981 this number
grew to 213, and in 1994 it became 7.5 million. At the moment Linus
Torvalds was sending this mail, this number was more than 0.5
million. So, in a way, Linux grew together with the Net. The internal
dynamics of the Linux process of community cooperation is inherently
integrated with the workings of the Net. We will raise this point
once again, later in this book.
saw a long debate between Andrew Tanenbaum and Linus Torvalds. Others
from the computing community got involved in it. This was a debate
with quite some degree of bitterness. It was all about Linux in
particular and the characteristics and features of OS in general.
This debate is quite interesting, and important too in understanding
the Linux process. A very good annotated account of this debate is
given in the Appendix of DiBona 1999. Anyway, history has proved that
Tanenbaum, the legendary teacher of computer science and the maker of
Minix, was actually wrong in his evaluation of the possibility of
Linux. Around 1992, different Linux distributions or ‘distro’-s
started to emerge. These distributions, often called ‘distro’-s
on different Linux mailing lists, consist of large collection of
FLOSS applications like word-processors, spreadsheet applications,
Internet browsers, mail clients, and different multimedia
applications, and so on. All these applications in a distro come
together inside an OS, which is built on top of the Linux kernel. And
usually the main libraries necessary for the working of these
application binaries come from the GNU project. The GUI or the
Graphical User Interface in these distro-s are derivatives of the
works of X.Org foundation, formerly called XFree86. All these
components are FLOSS, as we said before. These distros are like
different flavors of the same old ice-cream, that is, the Linux
kernel and a POSIX-compliant system of applications woven around it.
POSIX looks after their Unix-ness. So, they are a FLOSS continuity of
the Unix tradition.
the distro-s that started emerging around 1992 had quite a long way
to go to reach the state what they are in, at the moment of writing
this book in 2010. The oldest Linux distros include “Interim
Linux”, “TAMU” and “SLS”. Interim Linux came from MCC,
Manchester-Computing-Center, a body of the University of Manchester,
England. Interim Linux was released in February 1992. TAMU Linux came
from people in TAMU, Texas A&M University, USA. SLS,
Softlanding-Linux-System, was released in mid-1992. These distro-s
contained more than the Linux kernel and basic utilities. They
included TCP/IP, basic tools of networking, and later X-Windows, the
GUI too. One of the earliest Linux distributions still maintained is
“Slackware”, a descendant of SLS. Slackware was first released in
1993. SuSE, Software-und-System-Entwicklung,
“Software and System Development”, was releasing German
translation of SLS/Slackware software from 1992. First commercial
version of SuSE was released in 1993. Red Hat Linux, which evolved
into “Fedora”, on which OS this book is getting written, released
its version 1.0 in November, 1994. That same year X-Windows started
getting shipped into Linux distributions.
September 1983, Richard Stallman wrote the original announcement of
GNU – a project that
finally started in January 1984. This announcement carries a vision
of Stallman about a complete Unix-compatible software system. This
vision has now come true, in the living reality of all the Linux
distro-s. But, the contribution of GNU was much more than this vision
and the libraries and development tools integral to the Linux system,
that we mentioned earlier. In fact, the continuity around Linux is
the Unix continuity that started around 1969. And, the historical
break about Linux, if there is any, is more in the GNU GPL than even
the Linux kernel that was born in 1991. In the coming chapter we are
going to discuss the details of this intricate historical interplay
of power politics and computing.
point to note here is that, both Minix and Linux were
Unix-compatible. In fact, they had to be like that. At that point of
time, any new OS had to be like that, like another one in the series
of Unix-clones, where the commands and crafts of Unix will apply as
they do in Unix. Because, the whole community of hackers, developers
of the system, and the people that knew computing –
they only knew Unix. If this similarity with Unix was a bit
less than true for Minix, due to its stringent spectrum of
functionality, it was a total truth for Linux. Keeping aside all the
legal questions concerning marketing of software, names, trademarks,
licenses and all, Linux is Unix. There are debates here, concerning
the very definition of Unix. But here we are talking about the living
Unix tradition of the people who did it. In terms of that tradition,
Linux is the continuity of the same thing. Though, Linux very deeply
transformed the Unix tradition while taking it up. Linux brought in a
very large user base into it, in a scale unthinkable in terms of Unix
proportions. And non-hacker users became a part of this community
too, together with the hackers. By the time Linux emerged as one of
the major determinants of the history of computing, the scenario had
undergone a dramatic change in terms of hardware, and more
importantly, in terms of the Internet. The PC age had come, together
with instant transmission of copying anything electronic, through the
omnipresent link of the Net. Linux, as it stands today, is a
full-fledged highly functional OS.
the last chapter we have seen, how the layers of software reside one
above another in an OS. In terms of that scheme, in a modern Linux
OS, the Linux kernel resides in the lowest layer above hardware. This
kernel deals with all the device drivers, device files, and other
system things like memory-handling and all. Above this kernel layer
is the central layer of system programs. And almost everything in
this layer in a Linux system is from GNU. The GCC, the core system
utilities, the Bash shell, and even the libraries that these binaries
operate with, are predominantly from GNU. Over this central layer is
the layer of applications, which is now filled up with, in a
super-abundant way, with lots and lots of FLOSS. Obviously, the GUI
things are very important here. With the base supplied from
X-Windows, there are lots of Graphical User Interfaces like Gnome,
KDE, Xfce and so on. Then come the application software groups. One
important one of which is LAMP, Linux-Apache-Mysql-PHP, integral
pieces of FLOSS. And come lots of applications of many kinds like
office, graphics, multimedia, network, games, and so on. Linux, or
better, GNU-Linux, was all through an evolving cannon. GNU-Linux was
a cannon that grew and developed 1991 onwards. Each element of this
cannon was woven around the Linux kernel, developed with GNU tools.
And more importantly, they carried in their heart an entirely new
order of property. It was no more private right, private property now
started protecting public right –
GPL made it happen that way. But, we need to traverse a lot
more before we start handling the property relations in terms of
Hegel’s philosophy of right.
very Linux kernel itself is a good marker of the community
contribution in Linux. We know, Linux kernel was born in 1991, the
size of this kernel by Torvalds was 63 Kilobytes. Version 1.2 of
Linux kernel came in 1995. Its size was just above 250 Kilobytes. And
as we said, it went on evolving and growing. The number of Linux
users was hiking, and they were bringing in newer kinds of hardware
into Linux OS, adding newer kinds of device driver. This went on
hiking the portability of Linux kernel, and its size too. The size of
the Linux kernel in its crunched form, for a recent distro is near 3
Megabytes. The collective effort of the Linux community shows there
in the difference of the size, from 250 to 3000. A lot of developers
labor went there into the added size, a lot of real history of real
use of real systems – a
history that was changing all along the line.
the concluding comment of this very long section, let us cite here an
infamous lawsuit coming from the birthplace of Unix. This lawsuit
contributed a lot in popularizing Linux and bringing it into
mainstream computing. The lawsuit took place between USL and BSDi.
USL, Unix-System-Laboratories, was a division of Bell Laboratories
responsible for further development of Unix. BSDi,
Berkeley-Software-Design-Incorporated, was a corporation created for
developing software, selling licenses, and supporting BSD/OS, a
commercial and partially proprietary variant of BSD Unix. In CSRG,
Computer-Science-Research-Group, in UCB,
University-of-California-Berkeley, a lot of activity within the
hacker community was going on at that time. CSRG had a license from
AT&T on the source code of Unix. After a lot of extension and
modification of the AT&T Unix source code, the BSD community of
hackers started removing the original AT&T source code and
replacing it with their own. The net result was released in 1991 as
“NET-2” under BSD license, which was an almost complete Unix
system. BSDi filled in the missing pieces in the “NET-2” source
code, and ported it to Intel 386 architecture, selling it as
“BSD/386”. In the 1990 lawsuit, USL claimed that, UCB violated
the license, infringing on copyright and divulging trade-secret. The
case was finally settled outside the court, in 1993, with USL and
BSDi agreeing not to fight any more on BSD. Henceforth BSD flourished
into quite a few flavors like FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, DragonFly BSD
and so on, each with some specific features meant for specific user
groups. Seen this way, AT&T was a major contributor to the
success of Linux in the primary years of 91 to 94, when the future of
BSD became doubtful due to the lawsuit. It was extremely damaging to
the BSD hackers, and this helped the early popularization of Linux as
an alternative in the free and open hackers’ world.
The Unix FLOSS Tradition
elements of this section and the later sections to follow in this
chapter are highly indebted to the book Raymond 2004, “Art of Unix
Programming”. It is one of the best books ever written about Unix,
Unix culture, and Unix way of doing things. We borrow from this book
the viewpoint of the hackers’ community. Then we retell from this
viewpoint, the story of closing down the source, and the struggle for
liberating this source by reopening the closure. Raymond 2004 gives a
brief exegesis of the strength of Unix. Let us lift a few ideas from
there. And remember, here Unix means a tradition. Linux is a part of
that same tradition, as we told in the last section. In terms of
POSIX specifications, Linux is another brand Unix, only a different
brand that is free –
free as in freedom of speech. This tradition of Unix is the tradition
of Linux too. We have already called this tradition as primitive
FLOSS, or a FLOSS before the birth of the name of ‘FLOSS’. We
mentioned in brief, how the free and open community of hackers
resorted to and zeroed in on Linux, under the crisscross of pulls and
pushes of different proprietary licenses and all. In the next chapter
we will discuss these in details. Now let us summarize the points of
strength of this hackers’ tradition, call it Unix or call it FLOSS.
The important point is that it is a tradition, in the truest
sense of the term. It has a continuity of knowledge that is never
fully captured in the texts of the discipline. This is transmitted
from one generation to the next, together with some values and some
emotions. And Linux hackers and users together, go on carrying this
already mentioned –
this new kind of community is a Linux phenomenon:
unification of the space of hackers and users. Actually a simple
inertia of scale worked here. The Unix tradition, before Linux came
in, consisted only of hackers who used the system and worked on it.
But, a massive manifold increase in the user-base generated this new
space by including non-hacker users on a scale that was just
unthinkable some ten years back. On innumerable occasions, the more
technical users or hackers come to the help of the users, and the
users give them the feedback, thus streamlining the directions of
development. In the billions of pages of Linux Howto-s, we can always
get the confluence of hackers and users. But, the one area where it
becomes felt more than anywhere else is the space of mailing lists.
The innumerable mailing lists in Linux carry and hold an important
part of this tradition. As we said, Linux could never happen this way
without the Net. This is a very living tradition. And it is
continuing from the time before the birth of Unix, and is now carried
forward by FLOSS. We will come back to many more details of this
community, once again, in the last chapter. Now let us summarize the
strengths of this FLOSS system and tradition, borrowing a lot from
Raymond 2004.
the extreme durability of FLOSS tradition shows up in its continuity
from 1969 till date, from a time when there was no PC or Workstation
or even microprocessor chips. Two, FLOSS enjoys maximum diversity in
the sense that no kind of hardware is there on which FLOSS does not
run, and no kind of use is there that is not possible on FLOSS
systems. No other OS can come even near to it in these two respects.
Three, the C language, a central presence in FLOSS, has become widely
naturalized on all kinds of systems. C has become almost the sole
agency of system programming, and obviously something that software
engineering cannot replace with anything else. C may very well be
called the mother of almost all other programming languages.
Together with C, two other things are now omnipresent in all kinds of
computer systems. These two are contributions of this FLOSS
tradition too. They are the tree-shaped file ‘namespace’ with
directory nodes, and the concept of pipelines for connecting between
programs. This FLOSS tradition now spans over quite a long history.
So many kinds of hardware have passed, and so many systems, but all
these years FLOSS tradition is running on, doing all kinds of works
on all kinds of hardware. FLOSS is the only unchanging thing in this
computer science world of dramatic changes, where, roughly speaking,
a half of what one knows and does becomes obsolete in every 18
FLOSS tradition of freedom of knowledge and openness of cooperation
was all-pervading in the beginning. This was later closed in, curbed,
cordoned off and suppressed. This tradition was to return and revert
back to, once again, later, in the form of GNU-Linux. And that is why
when we call this tradition as a FLOSS one. This name true in two
senses. One, it was an Unix tradition that was FLOSS from the word
go, much before the birth of the word ‘FLOSS’. Two, then this
Unix no more remained in this tradition in the sense that it no more
remained ‘FLOSS’. And now the onus was on FLOSS to regain this
tradition. And that it did, in the form of GNU-Linux. So, in every
sense of the term it is FLOSS tradition, and we call it that
way. Calling it Unix would be misreading history.
FLOSS Tradition and Counter-Culture
already know how it all started around 1969. Multics-return Thompson
was inventing the Unix system on a PDP-7, when his flank was
strengthened by Ritchie, followed later by McIlroy, Kernighan and
others. The interesting point is, the primary focus of Thompson was a
game called ‘Space Travel’, that he developed on Multics. And now
he needed a new OS to play this game of simulated space-travel. First
he ported the game to Fortran on a GECOS system. GECOS or
General-Electric-Comprehensive-Operating-Supervisor was an OS for
mainframe systems developed by General Electric around 1962. Thompson
then proceeded to port this game to a PDP 7, when Ritchie joined him.
This game, Space Travel, was an important circumstantial factor that
accelerated the development of Unix. In the process of porting the
game to the assembly language of PDP 7, they wrote the code that
later grew into the embryo of Unix. The journey of Unix thus started,
and an army of talented hackers started to gather around them.
the fact that it all started with a game was not entirely pointless.
“The Unix Programming Environment”, Kernighan and Pike 2001, is
one of the greatest books in the cannon of FLOSS tradition. Both
Kernighan and Pike are from the team that developed Unix. This book
is a representative of the FLOSS culture in its true entirety and a
must read for all would be FLOSS developers and active users. Anyway,
the smallest subsection of the book is named ‘Games’ in Chapter 1
of the book. Let us quote the entire subsection, with particular
attention on the first sentence.
not always admitted officially, but one of the best ways to get
comfortable with a computer and a terminal is to play games. The UNIX
system comes with a modest supply of games, often supplemented
locally. Ask around, or see Section 6 of the manual.
can help but notice the mischievous tone. When the first sentence is
commenting about the ‘official’ way, it must be ‘unofficial’
in itself. And this ‘unofficial’ undertone is accentuated by the
informal use of ‘It’s’ in place of ‘It is’. And this
quotation is not from a students’ leaflet, this is one of the most
brilliant books of the FLOSS tradition. Everything in this
subsection, the size of it, the tone, the choice of words, the syntax
– represents the
‘unofficial’ playfulness. This unofficial tone and playfulness
are still a part of FLOSS tradition, and the community it represents.
Any representative text of FLOSS tradition carries this tone. And in
a way, this tone is very integral to the FLOSS community. This
playfulness, informality and some obtuse questioning of authority
(that maybe we know better than the ‘official’) –
the elements of the FLOSS community all are already there.
can read the footprints of counter-culture here, by
back-tracking into the question: whom does this ‘we’ represent –
this playful, informal and authority-challenging ‘we’? It will
become gradually more distinct through the coming pages of this book
why we are assigning such a special name, ‘counter-culture’, to
these attributes. Actually there are lots of elements of
counter-culture involved here, elements that grew in size and
depth during the sixties. And these things then evolved and grew in
diversity and intensity through the FLOSS tradition, things that
acquired a theoretical basis in the works of GNU through GPL, and
actualized itself through the building of Linux kernel and the hordes
of FLOSS thereafter. This tone is, very certainly, one of the first
major supplements that accumulated around the FLOSS community,
together with, obviously, the principles of freedom and cooperation
in the process of knowledge accumulation.
the elements of playfulness and informality represent
the iconoclasm too. While the authority likes to be serious, ‘we’
like to be playful. While the authority is formal, ‘we’ break the
forms by getting informal. If we now question ourselves, whom does
this signifier ‘we’ readily brings to our mind, it will not be
long to get the answer: a student community. A community within which
the phrase from the last sentence of the quotation, ‘ask around’,
readily gets its meaning. This answer, a student community pursuing
free flow of knowledge, gets progressively more meaningful as we
become conscious about the backdrop against which this FLOSS thing
was happening. What a decade it was –
the sixties, the decade of student unrest, a decade full of different
kinds of unrest. A decade that in America continued sending
predominantly unwilling young men to a nationally unwanted war. A
decade through which student movements fostered all through Europe
and America. A decade that ended with the historical May 1968 in
Paris, and the inception of Unix in the very next year. And this was
the decade of primitive FLOSS too. Unix was nothing but the epitome
of this primitive FLOSS. And then this primitive FLOSS came under
larceny by the rules of market. And it would take a GPL and a
declared FLOSS to regain this freedom and cooperation in such a way
that nobody can take it away any more.
get all these in perspective we have to recapitulate some elements of
American history, things that were happening around the birth of
Unix, and thereafter, around the making of FLOSS tradition and
community. But let us remind ourselves one thing from the very start
of the discussion, that not even a single component of this whole
process was ever conscious. The people involved in could never know
it from before, what functional value any component is going to
acquire in a much larger frame of space and time, in terms of the
final context of FLOSS that they are going to create, the context
that we witness today. They did all what they did, just because it
was the call of the time, and they were honest and earnest enough to
respond to the call. Each response of each respondent was often very
small and insignificant in a stand-alone way, generating an endless
series of minuscule supplements. Then, over time, these small and
apparently insignificant supplements did merge and mingle together to
generate a very coherent and meaningful mural to readers like us,
reading the history of their time and actions. The birth of Unix
started in 1969. But the preparation for it was going on for years
before it. This year 1969 is at the tip end of this decade. And the
earlier decade ended in 1959, the year the Vietnam war started. Then
came this decade of sixties. And through this decade a lot of things
happened that actually went on giving fuel to the counter-culture.
the Linux kernel, the counter-culture
thing is nothing monolithic and well-defined ever at all. At its best
it is a conglomeration of some tendencies. These tendencies,
anti-power ones, go on generating a series of scattered bastard texts
in the form of lectures, songs, pictures, graffiti, and so on. And in
real life all these bastard texts merge and change over from the
discursive space to the real, that is, they become components of a
lifestyle. A lifestyle that challenged the old society and its values
and the traditional morality. The persistent focus of all
activities has always been the Education System. Youth was the
dominant domain of definition for all the counter-cultural functions.
And this youth is usually the educated youth that can relate to all
the academic things and their underlying ideological moorings.
1968 in France was the biggest event in Europe since the World War
II. It led to a chain of student struggles that brought the then
Charles de Gaulle Government on the brink of
collapse. In May 68, the counter-culture
activities under the leadership of the students got mixed up with
workers’ struggle too. But, the Communists were always in an uneasy
relationship with these things. In most of the cases they consider
the elements of subversion
involved there as degenerate or something. And, the French Communist
Party too considered these students as anarchic and “false
revolutionaries that must be energetically unmasked”, Cliff and
Birchall 2001. The term counter-culture,
as a sociological term, came to prominence around the American
society and other societies in sixties and seventies. An important
component of it was the ‘hippie’ or ‘flower-power’. This
hippie or flower-power components meant a very different way of life,
and some protests and movements around civil rights, racial rights,
sexual rights, women rights –
protests against war in particular, and social norms of power in
general. Let us remember the lack of endorsement and the lack of
camaraderie to counter-culture by
the so-called ‘official’ resistance to power, the communist and
Marxist ideology, though they have some tendencies in common. This
point is going to be very important in our later chapters.
rejected by the mainstream resistance, these counter-culture
things were absolute bastards, without any genealogy
of their own, neither from the Father, that is, power, nor from the
Anti-Father, that is, the Communist Resistance led by the workers.
us remember the things we said in chapter two in the theoretical
model of context-text-supplement politics. We discussed the theme of
bastard texts searching for a father, that would generate a surrogate
genealogy to all these bastard texts, and thus create the very
context of reading the text that becomes the surrogate father. But,
that will take time, more than one and half decades before the text
starts getting written, in the form of GPL, and more than twenty
years before the context generated by the surrogate father starts to
materialize and actualize in the form of the Linux kernel and FLOSS
movement. And this phenomenon of getting disowned by the Anti-Father,
the Marxists, is going to be extremely important in understanding the
moment of differend
in context of GPL.
us come back to the primitive FLOSS context with its high point
residing in Unix. All through the decade that in the final year
provided us with Unix, some of these counter-culture
issues were very important social ones in America. Hippies
flourished, and so many kinds of dynamics started to emerge. These
dynamics contributed to and strengthened counter-culture.
As we have said, Vietnam War supplied the political-social-ethical
backdrop all through this decade. Against this backdrop came the
assassination of John F Kennedy in 1963. For so many Americans it was
actually the biggest shock since World War II. Still more shocks were
to come. In 1968, two more major assassinations took place, those of
Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert Kennedy –
assassination of the
two leaders of the two movements that were shaking America all
through this decade. Martin Luther King Jr. was the leader of the
struggle for the rights of the African-Americans, and Robert Kennedy
led the fight against American participation in Vietnam War. Both
these movements became so strong that the system could not take it
any more.
decade was full of very active student movements from the very year
1960. And one of the major sites of students struggle was UCB,
University of California Berkeley, the place that would later become
a mecca of FLOSS tradition through BSD and all. Particularly from
1964 onwards UCB became the center of anti-war and other
resistance to such a massive scale that was never witnessed before in
American history. It is
meaningless here to go into the details of the counter-culture
and other forms of resistance, particularly in the universities of
America all through this decade, myriads of authentic texts are there
around it. Let us quote here a passage from one of the best books in
this line, “The Year the Dream died: revisiting 1968 in America”,
Witcover 1997.
American intensification of the war had ignited campuses from New
England and New York to California. It triggered scores of protest
marches and the public burning of thousands of draft cards
by students demonstrating their commitment to stop the fighting, even
at the risk of government prosecution. Many wore their hair long,
dressed in hippie garb and used marijuana or stronger drugs, to the
annoyance and often open hostility of their sedate elders and
blue-collar, "straight" contemporaries. The nonviolent ones
were called "flower children" who preached love as the
ultimate answer to every problem. ...
passage represents in a vivid way the things we just said, and
contains both the elements, enmity and love, among the
counter-culture activists, in
their struggle against the power of the Father. we will see these
elements to acquire great importance in our analysis of GNU GPL from
a Hegelian viewpoint, in our later chapters. The context of ‘flower
power’ and anti-war struggle are very crucial for the way we are
going to interpret ‘love and competition’ among human beings. The
context of ‘flower children’ deserves a few words. “Flower
Power” or “Flower Children” were slogans used by the hippies in
sixties and seventies. Flower is the counter of power, standing for
the ideology of friendship and love, in context of the opposition
towards Vietnam War, and any war in general. Flower stands for the
ambiance of friendship in face of the prevailing enmity. Later, in
the context of Hegel’s theory of Right, we would see these two
apparently binary opposites of enmity and friendship coming together
and generating new categories built through GPL in the broader
context of market and civil society.
ambiance of counter-culture in the late-sixties America is very
sensitively captured in the film ‘Zabriskie Point’ by the master
filmmaker Michelangelo Antonioni. Remember, this was the time when
Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie were going into labor before the
birth of Unix. Zabriskie Point released in February 1970. During
1969, both Unix and Zabriskie Point were in the making. The
counter-culture factor in American universities and elsewhere had got
so strong that MGM, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, the movie giant, wanted to
appropriate the market, and invited Antonioni to make this movie on
the counter-culture activities in America in the late sixties. Let us
mention a sequence from ‘Zabriskie Point’ here that will be
extremely relevant for our theoretical model. In the police-ruled
campus of the university, one student is captured by police, and the
officer asks him for his name. The officer asks, “Name?”, the
student answers, “Karl Marx.” The officer asks, “How do you
write it”? The young man replies, “M. A. R. X.”, and we see the
camera to follow the typing by the officer, where he writes the
‘Marx’ part as directed by the student, and then the ‘Karl’
part as ‘Carl’. This visual metaphor dramatizes the moment of
Americanization of the word, and thus stands for the very cultural
distance between power and counter-culture activist. In the pathos of
this distance, one’s words, even the symbols, get defaced, that too
so unknowingly. But, this very metaphor represents an error too, on
part of the filmmaker, in reading the history of these times. How
much maybe the prevalence of Mao, Lenin and Marx in the conversation
of the students, this counter-culture was something very different
from Marxism. In that sense, ‘Marx’ is an erroneous metaphor
here. And this gets more interesting, when we see the same error,
though much more blatantly, committed by one of the brightest
programmers of all times, Eric Raymond, when discussing about GNU GPL
and other efforts by Richard Stallman. But we will come to that
we said, it would take a lot more time, for the elements of
counter-culture to
coalesce and coagulate around GPL at such a scale that it may be
discussed vis-a-vis counter-hegemony. But, the elements of
counter-culture were
always there, in the culture of comradeship and community among the
hackers, in the tendencies to ignore the rules of market and capital,
the rules of Father. Or, even in the subversive playfulness of the
cultural ambiance of FLOSS. But, all these cultural, political and
ideological factors could reside there in the FLOSS tradition due to
the very primary condition that source code was free and open and the
whole hacking community together was nurturing, developing, and
sharing it. This FLOSS dimension was repressed by the workings of
capital, to return once again as a possibility through GPL, and then
to get actualized in the unending and till-continuing chain of
events: the Linux kernel, the Linux distro-s, and FLOSS as a whole.
Gump by Robert Zemeckis,
Zemeckis 1994, is an excellent film, narrating the continuities of
American social history around the Vietnam war and later, in a very
sensitive way. Interestingly, it deals with many of the elements that
we mentioned in this chapter. It is natural too. Vietnam war is the
central motif of Zemeckis 1994. The very name of Forrest Gump carries
the footprint of Klu-Klux-Klan, or the history of apartheid and
racial hatred. Elvis Presley, the King, one of the biggest cultural
symbols in history, lodged as a paying guest of Forrest’s mother in
Forrest’s childhood. And it was the King himself who encouraged
Forrest to move and dance, a momentum that this crippled boy needed
so much, in order to not remain crippled any more. The girlfriend of
Forrest starts singing Dylan’s ‘how many roads’, that too in
nude, as a part of the process of discovering herself. There are so
many of these different elements weaved in an artistic and sensitive
way all through the film. Now, the point is, Forrest Gump, after the
war is over, invests his money in Apple and becomes a billionaire. We
are going to witness in the coming chapter that there were more to
this history than Apple or Microsoft. We are going to read the
history of repression under these monopoly powers, and how GPL made
happen an entirely new kind of political economic resistance that
mankind has never seen before.